Terms of Service

Unbuy is a product provided by Volkside Pty Ltd (ABN 53 134 018 910) based in Victoria, Australia and subject to the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia. Contact us.

This page describes current Unbuy terms of service including refund and cancellation policy. You agree to abide by these terms of service and the privacy policy by installing, downloading, accessing or using any version of Unbuy.

Product description

Unbuy is a digital product that helps you set goals, reduce your everyday spending, and save money. The current version of Unbuy is free to use, however Unbuy is not open source or free software.

Usage information and analytics

When you use the Unbuy app all information is stored entirely on your device. Your goals, reminders or unbought items are not shared with us or anyone else. You may however choose to opt in to share anonymous usage information; please see respective section in the privacy policy.

We may use standard analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Firebase or Hotjar on our apps and websites. We may occasionally use Unbuy to ask you to participate in brief special interest surveys, and to display promotions for our other products and services.

Payments, billing, cancellations and refunds

The current version of Unbuy is free to use and does not require payment. This may change in the future.

All payments and fees paid to Volkside Pty Ltd for the Unbuy product are non-refundable. We encourage you to install and use the free version of the Unbuy app first to try it. Please make sure it meets your needs before making any purchase.

The information you store in Unbuy

You are fully responsible for all content you submit including goals, reminders, unbought items, any account information, and so on. We cannot be held responsible for any user-submitted content. You must maintain copies of all your information, as we do not make any guarantees against loss of data, the accuracy of the information stored, or its permanence.

Unbuy brand, program code, web pages, stylesheets or visual assets cannot be reused as part of another app or digital product. Reverse engineering the program code is not permitted. We may suspend any access to Unbuy at our sole discretion.

You must not use this product for planning or conducting any illegal or unlawful activities.


To stop using Unbuy uninstall the Unbuy app on your device. Under normal operation this will delete the app data locally stored on your device. To completely deactivate your Unbuy account please contact us.

We may terminate accounts that appear to be used inappropriately, at our discretion.


Any disputes will be resolved primarily through negotiation. You submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria, Australia for any pursuant legal action.

No warranties and limitation of liability

The Unbuy product is provided as is, without warranties of any kind. We provide no guarantees on continued provision or availability of this product. Whilst we aim for reasonable uptime, we offer no uptime guarantees.

We do not warrant that the Unbuy product will meet your requirements or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose. We offer no warranties whatsoever, including those of merchantability, fitness for purpose, title or non-infringement – implied or otherwise. We assume no liability or responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage to you or your company resulting from any access or use of the Unbuy product. You use this product at your own risk.


Unbuy is copyright © 2020 Volkside. All rights reserved. Made in Melbourne.

Last updated on